“I worked at the Coast Inn in nineteen sixty-six. Would get up extremely early in order to sweep the outside area for Pappy Smith. But I have been a frequent visitor with family and friends from as early as nineteen fifty-eight through nineteen seventy. We would enjoy the beach below as well as what the establishment had to offer.
I grew up on Main beach. I enjoyed this beach as much as I enjoyed Mountain Road beach. I like the diversity that seemed to be on Main beach, which I didn’t see such a gathering on the beach at Mountain Road or in and around the Coast Inn.
I saw the Coast Inn as having a crossroad of different cultures and demographics. It was not formal, but allowed visitors and locals to enjoy a laid back setting with great style. For me and my family, I liked that Laguna had long ago accepted its diverse culture with many artists becoming residence. As I remember it here in Laguna, a few early on were gay teachers, or very thick accent foreign business owners. I liked that Laguna seem very accepting of all these cultures.”